Ar/ge kunst matinée

ar/ge kunst matinée con César Enrique Giraldo Herrera

September 8, 2018 at 11:00 AM

Microbes and Other Shamanic Beings

After a short introduction to the exhibition by the artists Islands Songs, the Columbian anthropologist and biologist César Enrique Giraldo Herrera gives an insight into the relationship between scientific methods and shamanic practices in the perception of microorganisms.

César Enrique Giraldo Herrera is a Colombian biologist and social anthropologist. He is the current Victoria Maltby Junior Research Fellow at Somerville College and an Associate Researcher at the Institute for Science Innovation and Society (InSIS), School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography (SAME), University of Oxford, UK.

The format ^ar/ge kunst matinée considers artistic practices of each exhibition through a dialogue with curators, artists and other experts over a casual breakfast. Croissants are generously provided by neighboring Pâtisserie Hofer, via museo 4, Bolzano.